Picture sample
   Hello! I have a good tip to show everybody. JWPlayer is the Best flash player video and audio for web and blogger. JWPlayer can make video playlist and mp3 playlist fast and easy to use.
Note : You Should host JWPlayer java script , player.swf and skin in your hosting.

1. Putting Java Script Code In Your Template:

 Add Java Script framework to your template simply by adding this code right before header. Normally,
just put after <head> or before </head>

<script src='https://akbalthom-code.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/jwplayer.js' type='text/javascript'/>

2. Usage:

Open a blog post that you want to insert video or Audio playlist . Click on HTML tab of Editor window, and paste the following code:
<div id="player4">
<script type="text/javascript"> jwplayer("player4").setup({ "flashplayer": "https://akbalthom-code.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/player.swf",
"playlist": [
 { "file": "linkhere", "title": "titlehere", "description": "www.akbalthom.com", "image": "" },
 { "file": "linkhere", "title": "titlehere", "description": "www.akbalthom.com", "image": "" },
 { "file": "linkhere", "title": "titlehere", "description": "www.akbalthom.com", "image": "" },
 { "file": "linkhere", "title": "titlehere", "description": "www.akbalthom.com", "image": "" },
 { "file": "linkhere", "title": "titlehere", "description": "www.akbalthom.com", "image": "" },
"playlist.position": "bottom",
"skin": "https://akbalthom-code.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/bekle.zip",
"repeat": "list", "false": "false",
"playlist.size": 200, "width": "100%", "height": "630",
"logo.hide": "false", "logo.link": "http://www.akbalthom.com/", "logo.position": "top-left", "logo.file": "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IFs3P4RTD24/U7aEVmVaJ7I/AAAAAAAAMp4/HHVPZADSxQs/s1600/logo+channel+akbalthom.png",
"bufferlength": "1", "controlbar": "over", "aboutlink": "http://www.akbalthom.com/", "abouttext": "AKbalthom",
"stretching": "exactfit", "dock": "true", "shuffle": "false",

 { "file": "linkhere", "title": "title_here", "description": "description_here", "image": "" },

- "file": "linkhere" = Change "linkhere" to URL Video or Audio.
- "title": "title_here" = Change "title_here" to title of video.
- "description": "description_here" = Change "description_here" to description of video.
- "image": "" = Change "" to Picture of video.

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